Our tool collection

ToolFlix.co Overview

ToolFlix.co is your ultimate online destination for a wide range of file compression, text manipulation, web utilities, and coding tools. Simplify your tasks with our easy-to-use tools:

  • • File Compress: Efficiently compress your JPG, PNG, PDF, WEBP, GIF, SVG, and TIFF files to reduce size without losing quality.
  • • Text Tools: Quickly count characters, words, sentences, and lines, or clean up your text by removing duplicates and blank lines.
  • • Web Tools: Generate QR codes, create strong passwords, validate credit cards, and encrypt or decrypt text with ease.
  • • Image Convert: Convert images between popular formats like JPG, PNG, WEBP, and HEIC effortlessly.
  • • Coding Tools: Optimize your code by minifying, unminifying, or beautifying CSS, HTML, and JavaScript files.

Whether you need to compress files, manage text, convert images, or handle coding tasks, ToolFlix.co offers fast, reliable solutions for all your needs.